Kamis, 28 April 2016



I think its funny how everyone thinks their generation is better than everyone elses.  My sister was born in the early 80s and believes early 80s/early 90s was the best time ever.  Me?  I will always hold the 90s/early 2000 close to my heart.  Even then, I remember things changing around 2003...things were nothing like they were even back in 2000.

I remember when I was 10, my family got a cell phone (a small but fairly bulky one) for whatever reason.  I guess it made my family feel classy or whatever.  I remember we had a house phone still but was randomly being shut off.  Besides, this is back when cordless phones were popular and when the power was out, we only had one phone that would work (corded battery phone.)  I rarely had the cell phone but was still considered a geek.  When I wasnt outside, I was learning to surf the web and planted in front of the TV watching cartoons.  Of course, this was no more than four hours a day inside usually (unless I was sick or it was pouring out.)  Best part about it, my best bud would call my house phone and ask if I was home (now duh!)

My curfew was when the street lights came on or when it got dark.  Suburban traffic was high all the time because all of us kids would be playing in the street.  Forget trying to get home quickly during the summer when the streets were always infested with people (usually younger kids in the day and teens later on.)  When one of us fell, wed go home and rinse it with water and maybe some alcohol or peroxide (or worse..iodine.)

You could buy organic but our local farms didnt stress things being organic.  Yes there were frauds but a good number of small farmers were ok with it.  This meant that they didnt have to jump through hoops to call themselves organic and the prices werent all that bad.  In fact, you could buy organic from a farmers market and it would sometimes be cheaper than regular in the store...at least here it was like that.

Halloween was awesome and nobody came outside till it was DARK.  Some houses had a line you had to stand in just to get candy.  Our parents would be exhausted at the end of the day but would still check our 15lbs of candy (or took the time to teach us.)  Because of this, we knew what it was like to get sick from eating too much of it.

Today, even looking back when I was 13, kids started not coming outside so much.  I mean we still did but rarely any younger kids.  When they were out, they often had some parent with them.  Little kids fall in the street and their parents rush them home and put peroxide/alcohol on it and then top it off with triple antibiotic plus a band aid.

Kids dont have a curfew because they never go outside.

Organic is priced much higher than regular, even at markets.  Of course I live in the wonderful California where organics are usually only $1-$2 more.

Everyone goes out trick-or-treating when it is still light out...assuming they go at all.  Last time I went, it took me 3 hours to get about 4 hand fulls (guessing everyone gave up....)

Im almost curious as to what todays and tomorrows kids will say.  So interesting.

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