Rabu, 20 April 2016

CHRISTmas rant

this IS a rant on about some Christians and NOT the religion. Either way religiously sensitive people should NOT read this blog. In all defense Im not trying to offend anyone except for the many assholes that need to be offended.

So now that the fine print has been read (you did read it right?) I will go on.

What really bugged me the other day was my walk back home from my grandmas house. I was gazing at the nice looking two story homes and the many nice brick driveways some people have and all the oak trees. This is what set me off for the final time...so much I had to write a rant blog.

A bumper sticker. What did it say?

Merry CHRISTmas


newsflash Christians, Christmas is NOT even a Christian holiday.

What do you mean shepherds werent dragging their sheep through snowy fields in the middle of December???

Anyway it was believed that Jesus was born more in September, not December (this means that yes it is likely people were tending to their sheep) around the time of passover.

Lets take Christmas back before it was called Christmas. Before the time of Jesus.

In ancient Babylon, the feast of the Son of Isis (Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December 25. People partied and carried on and such. In Rome, the holiday was done in celebration of the agriculture god (Winter Solstice.)

and of course the biggest thing (which still goes on) is Yule. Yule is a pagan/wiccan holiday in celebration for the birth of Mithras, the sun god. It is the shortest day of the year.

Ever wonder why everyone puts up an evergreen tree? It was originally brought into homes as a reminder that crops would grow again. Much like a good luck charm. After all, evergreens are called that cause they are forever green so to say.

So what gives? Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th? Possibly to get people to convert to Christianity. In the year 350, Pope Julius declared that the celebration of Jesuss birthday would be on December 25th. Sounds fishy...doesnt it?

Of course Christmas isnt the only stolen holiday, Easter is another big one (what do you mean we dont celebrate the death of Jesus with bunnies and eggs???) and there are many more. Halloween was never meant to be evil, for example.

-note Easter falls on another pagan holiday which is a celebration of spring. Goddest of fertility is where the bunnies and eggs come from because she was associated with them -

Thou shalt not steal eh?


-end rant-

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